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Chadwick Arboretum & Learning Gardens

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Tending Nature Webinar Series

Feb 11, 2022, 10:00am - 11:30pm
Pollinators and Native plants

Tending Nature Speaker Series: Native Plants and Every Gardener’s Role in Fostering Biodiversity

This 6-session webinar series will focus on the ecological roles of native plants and some of the creatures that depend on them. We’ll meet virtually at 10AM EASTERN each Friday for 6 weeks from January 7th through February 11th.

All sessions are on Fridays at 10AM EASTERN and will last for approximately 60 minutes plus questions. Join live sessions or connect to webinar recordings.

View the website to register here. 

1/7 Mary Gardiner: Beneficial Insect Biodiversity: What It Is and Why It Matters

1/14 Doug Tallamy: Bringing Nature Home: The Importance of Native Plants

1/21 Lisa Olsen: Cultivating a Community of Support for Native Plants

1/28 Bryan Danforth: Host-plant Specialist Bees – Biology, Biodiversity, and Conserving Them in Your Backyard

2/4 Heather Holm: Bumble Bee Banquet: Selecting Native Plants for Bumble Bees

2/11 Debra Knapke: Native Plants in My Garden? Absolutely!

Sponsored by the OSU Department of Entomology and The Chadwick Arboretum and Learning Gardens and is funded in part by a USDA/NIFA Integrated Pest Management Pollinator Health grant.

Coordinated by Denise Ellsworth, OSU Department of Entomology. Questions? contact Denise at