CFAES Give Today
Chadwick Arboretum & Learning Gardens

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Plastic Pot Recycling

Following Chadwick Arboretum’s very successful Spring Plant Sale & Auction, I happen to know that there are approximately 14,000 plastic pots, cell packs, and trays out there that need to be recycled or re-used. There are many materials in our community that can be recycled and kept out of our general trash collection. Join us to reduce this waste and help our planet.
We’ll be partnering with Phoenix Recycling and accepting horticultural plastics such as pots, cell packs, and trays.
WE WILL NOT BE collecting non-food grade Styrofoam such as the material that your computer or TV is packed in. This is no longer recycled at Phoenix.
We hope to fill a semi-truck with these horticultural plastics as we have in the past. You are also welcome to stand by and take any of these plastics that you might need for your home projects.
Please note that Chadwick Arboretum won’t be able to accept any materials prior to the morning of June 16th OR past the time of the event. You can drop off your horticultural plastics at any of the Lowe’s stores in central Ohio if you can’t participate in our recycling event, but will need to call them in advance. (Chadwick Arboretum is not connected in any way with the recycling at Lowes.)
We start at 7:30 and end at 11:30.
Please spread the word and invite others to this event page so we can meet our goal and have the largest turn out to date!
Chadwick Arboretum will host a membership table during this event so you can join or renew your support of our programs and gardens as your vehicle is being unloaded by our volunteers, students, and staff.

Thanks for continuing to support our programs and operations