Pi Alpha Xi (PAX) Poinsettia Sale
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Support PAX and Chadwick Arboretum while purchasing your Poinsettias, Holiday Containers, Door Swags, and Centerpieces!
Our sale has been extended by 1 day - now you have a whole extra day to get your holiday decorations and gifts!
Join us for a huge selection of Poinsettias, festive flowers and arrangements that you won't find anywhere else. This sale is sponsored by Pi Alpha Xi, The Floriculture & Horticulture Honor Society at Ohio State. Proceeds support the activities of this honor society and Chadwick Arboretum.
Note about Parking:
Parking is available at any Campus Parc Kiosk at an hourly rate and accepts credit cards only. The closest locations are at the parking lot near Howlett Hall or Plumb Hall. There is construction next to the Greenhouse entrance, but signage will direct you from Coffey Road.
We have volunteers to help load your car, so don't let the short walk to the greenhouse get in your way! You can also view the map of this area here.
Pricing: All items discounted!
- Poinsettias: $5-$25
- Christmas Cacti, Cyclamen, Norfolk Pines and Amaryllis - $6-$25
- Holiday Containers filled with greens: $35.00
- Botanical Print Notecards: $12.00 each or 2/$22.00
The Ohio State University
Howlett Hall Greenhouse
680 Vernon Tharp Street
Columbus, OH 43210