OSU’s Chadwick Arboretum & Learning Gardens is partnering with the City of Columbus in their Branch Out Columbus program to help plant 300,000 trees in and around the city over 5 years.
Register now to get up to two free sapling trees for your yard. A total of 400 trees will be available to The Ohio State University community to be picked up on April 14th.
Fill out the information below and send it in an email to cdvoise@gmail.com by April 10th, 2017.
In your e-mail, include:
Street Address:
City/Zip Code:
Email address:
Pickup time – choose one of the following for April 14th pickup:
o 3 – 3:30 PM
o 3:30 – 4 PM
o 4 – 4:30 PM
o 4:30 – 5 PM
o 5 – 5:30 PM
o 5:30 – 6 PM
o 6 – 6:30 PM
o 6:30 – 7 PM
Tree species and Number (up to two trees per household).
sugar maple ___ white oak ___ swamp white oak ___ tuliptree ___
A limited number of protective wire cages will be available to protect trees from deer and lawnmower damage. We will use your street address to add the tree to the City’s Tree Canopy Planner (your name will not be used and your information will not be shared). And in 6 months, we may email you to ask how your tree is doing. Contact Christina Voise (cdvoise@gmail.com) with questions about the tree giveaway.
The tree pickup location will be south of the Nationwide 4H Center at 2201 Fred Taylor Drive. Follow the driveway behind the center to reach the pickup site. There will be free planting demonstrations at the pickup site and free parking passes for those who want to watch a demo. We will also be passing out $5.00 coupons for Chadwick’s Spring Plant Sale which takes place May 11th – 13th, 2017! All tree species will attain a large size and need to be planted in an appropriate location. We will offer 100 of each species on a first come, first served basis.
And as always, before you plant your trees – CALL BEFORE YOU DIG so underground utilities can be marked. At least 48 hours before you plant your tree, call the Ohio Utilities Protection Service at 1-800-362-2764 or submit a request online at http://www.oups.org/edig.